Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Immigration Law Wave Continues...

...to Freemont, Nebraska. I didn't know there was a wave of illegal immigration there...or is it even about that? So, illegal immigrants are barred from housing and jobs within Freemont limits. Sounds good in theory, but I wonder how it'll be enforced...

Believe it or not, I can see both sides of the issue here.
Run To The Hills
It would be nice to keep our infrastructure intact, and allowing more people, especially not in the fashion that was set up by the books, is a threat to that, whether it be due to crime, jobs, resources used, debt accrued, etc.

White People Started It!
On the flip side, when the majority of the people coming in (legally or not) are NOT of the same culture as the White Male Judeo-Christian culture that comprises the power structure of the aforementioned infrastructure, and said infrastructure was created as a result of Europeans coming here and taking land that did not originally belong to them, and when more waves of them came in the last century, it was naturally more controlled due to a natural liquid barrier, under less duress (although there was a good deal) than current immigrants, do you really expect people to abide by the rules that were set up as a result of a bad example of immigrating here?

Fear of the Browning of America: an undocumented reason why...America is Racist!

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